RiskPoint Danmark styrker Financial Lines team

Vi er meget glade for at kunne annoncere to nye tilføjelser til RiskPoint Danmark’s Financial Lines Team. Den 1. april 2023 bød vi velkommen til vores to nye underwritere Christine Præstegaard og Sebastian Krabbe.
Christine kommer med 4 års underwriting erfaring og et utrolig bredt markedskendskab, mens Sebastian kommer med friske øjne fra CBS med en Cand.Merc.Jur uddannelse.
Både Christine og Sebastian skal understøtte vores service og fleksibilitet indenfor D&O forsikringer, som fortsat er et stort fokusområde for RiskPoint.

Jeg er meget begejstret for at vi udvider teamet med 2 nye profiler til Financial Lines, da vi ønsker at kunne levere et højt serviceniveau kombineret med gode underwriting kompetencer for vores kunder og samarbejdspartnere og det er jeg sikker på at Christine og Sebastian er de helt rigtige til.
About RiskPoint
RiskPoint is a global Managing General Underwriter (MGU) providing best in class insurance solutions to businesses and their advisors. RiskPoint operates globally with locations in 11 countries across Europe, the U.S and Asia and have more than 190 employees. Our specialist and seasoned underwriters have in depth industry and product knowledge whilst our professional claims team provide a unique and pro-active approach to assisting our clients when claims occurs.
Together we offer a wide range of insurance solutions within the areas of Mergers & Acquisitions, Renewable Energy, Liabilities including Financial Lines and Cyber, Off-Shore Upstream, Property & Construction and Accident & Health. The RiskPoint core values are: trust, openness and honesty, respect and tolerance, drive and dedication as well as being part of a winning team in a competitive environment.