Companies increasingly face financial crime attempts from employees and third parties trying to steal, misuse, or misappropriate funds and physical goods.
Segregation of duties and dual control may reduce exposure, but with human misconduct as the main driver losses cannot be eliminated.
Our tailorable Crime insurance covers losses suffered from damage to, or destruction or disappearance of property, including money, as a direct result of criminal acts, such as theft, fraud, or embezzlement.

- Underwritten to specific risks and exposures
- Preference for companies with local operations only
- Coverage includes Social Engineering Fraud (SEF) and Business Email Compromise (BEC)
- Ample capacity (EUR 25M+)
- Minimum self-insured retention is EUR 15K for SME (revenues below EUR 50M) and a significant self-insured retention from larger businesses
Here you can find and download more information about this product.
Underwriting Team

Amit Patel
Nordic Commercial D&O Practice Lead & Senior Underwriter, Financial Lines

Alev Yildiz
Nordic Lead Financial Institutions & Senior Underwriter, Financial Lines