In an ever more complex and digital world, CombiPoint provides a comprehensive cover combining cyber and technology E&O insurance for your tech company. Our innovative collaboration with best-in-class IT forensics, local claim handlers, and experienced underwriting teams not only helps boost the safety of your company but also covers potential losses and advisory costs.
Our tailorable CombiPoint solution is also relevant for fintech companies.

- Underwritten to specific risks and exposures
- Preference for businesses involved in content provision, resellers (hard- or software), web designers, standard software, and consulting
- Limited appetite for Managed service providers, PaaS / IaaS, Data aggregators and Logistics / Supply chain / ERP software
- No appetite for cryptocurrencies, initial coin offerings, trading, gaming and gambling
- Disinclined towards businesses in the US, China and Russia where exposure overall is above 20 % of the total consolidated
- Focused on start-up and micro/SME businesses (revenue up to EUR 50M) or larger businesses through excess positions
- Capacity up to EUR 5 M
- Self-insured retention starts at EUR 5K
- Access to our Cyber* platform (a collaboration with Truesec)
- Local claims handlers and IT forensics
Here you can find and download more information about this product.
Underwriting Team

Bjørn Magnus Hippe Kristiansen
Junior Underwriter, Financial Lines